
Basic Biotechnology

             Basic Biotechnology  Page no.1 Page no. 2 Page no. 3

Cell Biology and Genetics

 Cell Biology and Genetics Question paper                                               Page no. 1 Page no. 2 Page no.3

Ecosystem biology and genetics

Ecosystem biology and genetics  Page no. 1 Page no. 2 Page no. 3  

Question paper

 Internal examination semester 1 B.ed Question paper :-                                            Page :- 1 Page :- 2

Forestry Previous Year Question Paper

                                       Forestry Previous Year Question Paper😎  Previous year question are important part of my Preparation journey so i hope it  is beneficial of you also the link is :- other link :- Question paper

Image Question paper  ( Biostatistics and Bioinformatics) :- BBMKU 2021-22 Page no 1 Page no . 2 Page no. 3         


 Coelom is one of the characteristic features of metazoans. The true coelom is a body cavity formed during embryo development from the three germinal layers. The body cavity meaning a fluid filled space that can accomodate organs. The coelom is lined by mesodermal epithelium cells. Presence or absence of coelom is one of the criteria for classifying animals.                                      Fig :- coelom Animal Kingdom:-  1. Acoelomate(no coelom)     Ex:-Porifera ; Coelenterata ; Ctenophora; Platyhelminthes 2. Pseudocoelomate(false coelom)          Ex :- Aschelminthes 3. Coelomate(true coelom)            Ex :- Annelida ; Arthropoda ; Mollusca ; Echinodermata ;Hemichordata ;Chordata Coelom Definition  “The coelom is the fluid-filled body cavity present between the alimentary canal and the body wall.” The true coelom has a mesodermal origin. It is lined by mesoderm. The peritoneal cavity present in the abdomen and similar spaces around other organs such as lungs, heart are parts of t